Manage UDI data and database submissions within the product registration lifecycle
Request a demoAssociate and sync multi-country UDI data with product registration records for easy tracking and management
Manage top-level “Universal” UDI information and auto-generate country-compliant formats for the U.S., EU, China, Korea, and more
Populate UDI data including expiration date, notified bodies, and classification from product, registration, and certificate records
Support EU MDR/IVDR requirements and EUDAMED submissions with category-level BUDI records
Submit UDI data directly to health authority databases to eliminate manual duplication and submission errors
Push UDI information and ensure consistency across your ERP, CRM, PLM, and labeling systems
Create, monitor, and manage global registrations and regulatory applications
Create and maintain essential principles/general safety and performance requirements (GSPR) tables